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Whaley and I try to be active with other dogs (and people) every day. But arranging those daily get-togethers is cumbersome. So I'm organizing Whaley's friend group—The Whalers.
A directory with everyone's preferences will make it easy to schedule regular and one-off activities—usually with just Whaley and me, but sometimes with a small group or the whole Whaler pack. From walks and playtime to hikes and pig pickin's, we'll exercise, socialize, and occasionally carouse.
With the short form below, you can hop aboard or respectfully decline. I certainly understand if you're overcapacity for activities, but if it suits your fancy and your schedule, Whaley and I will be thrilled to have you. And we welcome you to send to anyone who may bring good vibes (and smells) to The Whalers.


First 'n' last.


Wanna be a Whaler?

No commitments or specifics. Are you generally interested in convening our canines?
Wanna be a Whaler?